sagamedia - wdr - we're off camping - our best for 2022
sagamedia - wdr

We’re off camping! Our best for 2022

WDR Travel Report
First aired on: January 5, 2022 at 8:15 p.m. and in the WDR MEDIA LIBRARY, 90 min

In “We’re off camping!” we follow families and couples who dare to embark on a camper’s life and want to fulfil their dream. Camping can take the form a cheap holiday, but it can also be luxury on four wheels: from a family tent for a few hundred euros to a fully integrated mobile home with a shower and solar power – there’s something for almost everyone!

In our special episode “We’re off camping – Our best yet” we take a look back and into the future: What 12 beginners learnt when they started camping and what will be important for campers in 2022. Also featuring: Tanja and Peter Rombach. They all have a dream: they want to spend the night in the wilderness! But is that still possible anywhere? Tanja and Peter find a really special spot in Italy, but are not actually allowed to spend the night there.

Also on board are our favourite regulars Petra and Rüdiger Erbslöh, who bought a motorhome in 2020 and have driven over 19,000 kilometres with it since then. With the whole episode moderated entertainingly and expertly by Daniel Aßmann.

Click here for the show in the WDR MEDIA LIBRARY.

sagamedia - wdr - we're off camping - our best for 2022
sagamedia - wdr - we're off camping - our best for 2022
sagamedia - wdr - we're off camping - our best for 2022